Giulia Negri


Giulia Negri

A ‘garagiste’ knows that wine is a work of art, a tune that develops into a harmony.

A ‘garagiste’ is aware that the score, the notes, and the instruments are not his creations but belong to the depths of the earth, the seasons, Nature. Yet, though the earth knows mysteries unknown to Man, it is Man that plays the role of conductor.

Giulia Negri
Giulia Negri

The musical instruments are tuned in the vineyard; the notes, aligned; and the changing rhythms of each vintage, revealed.

The greatest challenge, however, comes about in the cellar, where melodies, interludes, scales, and tempos must be respected, taken care of, and slowly transformed into a symphony.

Everything changes from one year to the next, at times sharply, and at times in tiny steps. Nothing is repeated twice; everything is on the move.

The only thing that doesn’t change is the search for harmony and its endless mysteries.

Giulia Negri
Giulia Negri
Giulia Negri
Giulia Negri

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Serradenari Società Agricola CF e P.IVA 03487510046 - Via Bricco del Dente 19 – 12064 La Morra – Italy –

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